Final project at
Netcraft Academy
The Problem
Organizing a group trip is a challenging task that requires careful coordination and communication. This can be especially complicated when there are multiple participants involved, as arriving at a mutually-agreed decision becomes more difficult, especially when time and money are invested.

Competitor Analysis
There are app likes “Tripit” and “Wonderlog”, that have excellent features for planning a trip, but they don’t solve the issues of planning a trip with many participants, such as joint decision-making, gathering information from all participants, and more.

User Research
Interviews with various groups that planned a joint trip.
Focused on understanding the considerations for making joint decisions within a group as well as breaking down the various pain points in planning a multi-participant trip.
The Conclusions

One leading tripmate
Who leads the organization of the trip for all.

Endless correspondence
In chat group, without distinction between topics.

Information sharing
Large and diverse groups have trouble sharing information

In choosing goals and activities between tripmates.

No clear status
On each issue, whether it has been resolved or not.
Based on the results of my user research, I created two types of personas

“Trip Admin”
Aims to plan a vacation that meets the needs of her friends.
Has difficulty synchronizing the wishes of the whole group, gathering information and making joint decisions

“Trip participant”
Looking forward to a pleasant vacation together. Difficulty following the decisions that are made or required for approval.
Getting feedback
Feedback for and against proposals that are made.
Getting feedback
Personal customization
Vacation planning and management according to user type (Admin/Member)
Personal customization
Activity status indication
Getting indication about every activity
Activity status indication

Admin User Flow

Creating polls
Creating a poll for a specific topic, add a question and options for your tripmates (with the option to add answers if you wish). Furthermore, you can add a deadline to the decision and let your tripmates discuss it on specific issues.

keep it focused
You can organize the discussions by topic to keep it organized

Colours Palette



Self Reflection
Tripo was born out of personal experience - planning vacations for 15 people with varied interests and ages was a real challenge.
In interviews, I found these difficulties to be universal, providing an opportunity to address a pressing issue. As my final project in UX/UI studies, Tripo initially aimed to solve a few defined problems, but if given more time, I expect to tackle many more problems that were uncovered during the interviews.